Welcome to TechEz

At TechEz, we understand the importance of your digital journey. Our team of experts are here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring that you can confidently and seamlessly integrate technology into your life.

Below you will find our services with clear and transparent prices. Our goal is to make technology accessible to everyone, breaking down barriers and empowering you to explore new possibilities.

  • Priced at $50.00 USD

    (Install Windows 10 or 11 onto a Computer.)

  • Priced at $20.00 USD

    Install a component for the client

    (Client must pay for the component first for the agent to install the component.)

  • Priced at $10.00 USD per Software Application

    (Client must have the activation key present and ready for agent to install software, if client does not know where to find said activation key, the present agent will be able to help you.)

  • Priced at $70.00 USD

    (Removes any Viruses on the unit and ensures the device is safe to use.)

  • Priced at $50.00 USD

    (Performs all around diagnostics on the computer to determine if a component is defective.)

  • Priced at $15.00USD

    (Provide software troubleshooting for client whether its for a Computer Phone or Tablet.)

  • Priced at $75.00 USD per Backup/Transfer

    Transfer data from one hard drive to another or to a computer as long as the device or hard drive is not encrypted. Data Transfers may take a couple hours or a day depending on the health of the hard drive.

    (If data is being transferred client must provide the Hard Drive that the data is being transferred to.)

  • Priced at $35.00 USD

    Improve computer speeds as best as the computers hardware will allow.

    (Computer may need additional upgrades to fix certain issues as it pertains to speed.)

  • Priced at $15.00 USD

    (Provide help with setting up a new Tablet, Phone or Computer for client.)

  • Priced at $200.00 USD

    Install new components (provided by the client) into the client’s case. Does not include an operating system installation. This price is only for new custom-built PCs, if you’d just like to install a single component please look at the component install prices.

Unsure what’s wrong ? Feel free to contact us

How Does It Work ?

Business Operations Overview

Our business model ensures a seamless and efficient service experience for our clients, focusing on computer repair and maintenance. Here’s how it works:

  1. Appointment Verification:

    • An agent verifies the appointment with the client to confirm the time and date. This ensures both parties are on the same page and ready for the scheduled service.

    • Additionally, the client's location is verified to ensure accurate and timely arrival.

  2. Pre-Appointment Call:

    • One hour before the appointment, the agent calls the client using the contact number on file to confirm their availability and remind them of the scheduled visit.

  3. On-Site Assessment:

    • Upon arrival at the client's location, the agent assesses the computer issue to determine if it can be resolved within the allotted one-hour appointment time.

    • If the problem can be fixed within the hour, the agent proceeds with the necessary repairs.

  4. Detailed Issue Documentation:

    • If the issue requires more time, the agent documents the problem in detail on a provided form.

    • This documentation includes a thorough description of the issue and any initial diagnostics performed.

  5. Device Collection and Repair Timeline:

    • The agent then collects the device for further repair at our facility.

    • An accurate estimate of the repair completion time is provided to the client.

    • Payment is required before the necessary repairs can be made, with no exceptions.

  6. Ongoing Communication:

    • Throughout the repair process, the agent maintains regular communication with the client, providing updates on the repair status and notifying them of any significant developments or additional issues discovered.

  7. Device Drop-off and Work Summary:

    • Once the repairs are completed, the agent returns the device to the client.

    • The client receives a detailed summary of the work performed on their device.

By following these steps, we ensure that our clients receive timely, transparent, and effective service for their computer repair needs.

Data Backup and/or Transfer Service Details

At TechEz, we prioritize the security and efficiency of your data. For certain services involving extensive data backups or transfers, our experienced agents may need to take your device to ensure a thorough and timely completion.

Process Overview:

  1. Initial Assessment:

    • During the initial assessment, our agent will determine if the service requires an extensive data backup or transfers.

  2. On-Site Service (if possible):

    • Whenever feasible, we aim to perform data-related services on-site to minimize inconvenience.

  3. Device Retrieval (if needed):

    • If the data service is anticipated to take more than an hour, the agent may need to take your device for completion.

  4. Completion Notification:

    • Once the service is complete, our agent will promptly call & email you on the verified number & email to inform you of the status.

  5. Drop-off Confirmation:

    • In cases where the device was taken for repair, we will arrange a convenient time with you to drop off the device at your location.

This streamlined process is designed to ensure the thoroughness of our services while minimizing any disruption to your schedule. It's important to note that this approach is selectively applied based on the nature of the service and is not a standard procedure for all cases.

TechEz is committed to delivering efficient and secure services, and we appreciate your understanding as we work to provide the best solutions for your tech needs.

Data Privacy

Data Privacy Assurance:

At TechEz, we take data privacy extremely seriously. We are committed to safeguarding your information and maintaining the highest standards of security. For more details, please refer to our Data Privacy Policy.

This streamlined process is designed to ensure the thoroughness of our services while minimizing any disruption to your schedule. It's important to note that this approach is selectively applied based on the nature of the service and is not a standard procedure for all cases.

TechEz is committed to delivering efficient and secure services, and we appreciate your understanding as we work to provide the best solutions for your tech needs.

Schedule your complimentary Service now